2 Tickets Sold

498 remaining

£1.99 /per entry

Enter Now

You may enter the competition using the postal entry route by complying with the following conditions:


  1. Register online
  2. Send your entry on an unenclosed postcard by first or second class prepaid post to the Promoter at the following address: 41 Dryden Road EXETER EX2 5BT
  3. Include with your entry the following information:
    • Your full name
    • Your address
    • A contact telephone number and email address
    • Your chosen competition

You can enter as many times as you wish into the same Competition, up to the maximum stated on the Competition Page, but each free entry must be submitted and posted to the Promoter separately. Bulk entries will not be accepted as multiple entries and if a bulk entry is received, it will be counted as one single entry.

Incomplete or illegible entries will be disqualified.


See the T&Cs Schedule 1 to learn more about free postal entry.

How to play

Join the draw

Participate in our prize draw is simple and hassle-free. Here’s our step-by-step guide to help you get started.

Watch live draw

Check the main prize page for the draw date and time. Tune in to our Facebook/Instagram page to watch the draw live and discover if you’re the lucky winner.

Receive your prize

Winners will have their prizes delivered to them and get a picture taken for our hall of winners.

Recent entries


CA from Devon

2 days ago

Entries Ticket number Purchased

CA from Devon

70 2 days ago

CA from Devon

167 2 days ago